"Why Are My Highly Educated Friends so Ignorant About Trade?"

The abo­ve line is the tit­le of a sum­ma­ry artic­le deal­ing with & explai­ning the results "trade trea­ties" like CETA and TTIP / TPP. The impact on their lives is not gras­ped by a majo­ri­ty of peo­p­le around the world.

Here's the link to the artic­le deal­ing with the sub­ject
Why Are My High­ly Edu­ca­ted Fri­ends so Igno­rant About Trade?

The big­gest dan­ger, howe­ver, is:
Once in - never out!

All the­se trea­ties are desi­gned to last fore­ver wit­hout the pos­si­bi­li­ty to lea­ve. This alo­ne is rea­son enough to be alar­med, becau­se life's les­son is that life is con­stant change ....


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