Eine Auswahl von Karikaturen die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt (Urheber oft in der Abbildung benannt; ansonsten gilt → Fair Use) | ||||
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Was mir am meisten gefiel war → diese Karikatur |
Kategorie: English
bookmark_borderWas Karikaturisten zum
bookmark_borderFree, like in "make your own decisions"?
America, the beautiful.
Sure, but not in the part of the Americas that's called
"The United States of America"
Land of the free?
Land where school boards filled with bigots ban books from libraries.
Land of the free?
There's more freedom in many of the underdeveloped countries around the world than in the USA.
It's high time to question if a country boasting with 'we bring freedom and democracy to people around the world' but does so only to benefit their biggest corporation's profits can actually be such an example.
The 'Third Reich' started - as one of it's first actions - to ban books & burn them!
And history tells how it ended ....
Quelle der (bearbeiteten/aktualisierten) Abbildung → https://www.eiu.com/n/campaigns/democracy-index-2021
bookmark_borderInsufficient Evidence
To the surprise of almost everyone familiar with the subject President Trump didn't sign the recently finished and agreed upon bill for - among other provisions - a check of US$ 600.00 as COVID-19 relief. It is now highly questionable that the money will be paid out this year, leaving the needy, hungry and those threatened with eviction in limbo.
Multiple TV outlets and the press immediately started to search for motives the still on the loose President may have to act this way. Ulterior motives? No, certainly not, considering his up-to-now disregard of anything pertaining to anyone but himself. A sudden change of mind about the demands, the actions needed the Democrats have been pleading for? Nope, he wouldn't do that for those he sees accountable for the 'steal', his loss in the election.
It must be his fight for the top position in the future of the Republican party - trying to undermine the actions of the Senate leader Mitch McConnell, whom he despises especially because McConnell recently acknowledged President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 Presidential Election. While doing so he kills two birds with one stone: Stay the top politician in the party and piss off a perceived enemy.
So where is this going to go?
The democrats shouldn't bargain and let the Republicans fight it out among themselves. If no agreement is reached they will be able to hand out the money after the inauguration without having to swallow crow as offered by their opponents.
Zur Überraschung fast aller, die mit dem Thema vertraut sind, uinterschrieb Präsident Trump die kürzlich abgeschlossene und vereinbarte Gesetzgebung nicht, die - unter anderem - einen Scheck über 600,00 US-Dollar als COVID-19-Ausgleichszahlung vorsah. Es ist jetzt höchst fraglich, ob das Geld in diesem Jahr ausgezahlt wird, so dass Bedürftige, Hungrige und von Räumung bedrohte Menschen in der Schwebe bleiben.
Mehrere Fernsehsender und die Presse begannen sofort, nach Motiven zu suchen, die der noch-auf-freiem-Fuß-befindliche Präsident möglicherweise haben könnte. Altruistische Motive? Nein, bestimmt nicht, wenn man bedenkt, dass er bisher alles außer sich selbst missachtet hat. Eine plötzliche Änderung der Meinung über die Forderungen, die Maßnahmen, für die die Demokraten plädiert haben? Nein, er würde das nicht für diejenigen tun, die er für den "Diebstahl", seinen Verlust bei den Wahlen, verantwortlich sieht.
Es muss sein Kampf um die Spitzenposition in der Zukunft der Republikanischen Partei sein - der Versuch, die Aktionen des Senatsvorsitzenden Mitch McConnell , den er besonders verachtet, weil McConnell kürzlich den Sieg des Präsidentenkandidaten Joe Biden bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020 anerkannt hat. Dabei tötet er zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe: Er bleibt der tonangebende Politiker der Partei (Republikaner) und verärgert zugleich seinen vermeintlichen Feind.
Also, wohin führt das?
Die Demokraten sollten nicht verhandeln und die Republikaner untereinander kämpfen lassen. Wenn keine Einigung erzielt wird, können sie das Geld nach der Amtseinführung aushändigen, ohne die von ihren Gegnern angebotene Kröte schlucken zu müssen.
bookmark_borderKurz & klar ....
Auf dem T-Shirt steht:
- redefining stupid
one tweet at a time
und wenn man es (sinnerhaltend) übersetzen wollte hieße es:
die Neudefinition von dumm
ein tweet nach dem anderen
Wie unschwer zu erkennen ist handelt es sich um eine recht holprige Aussage wenn man die deutsche Version liest. Die englische Version klingt wesentlich eleganter und kommt mit weniger Worten aus. Das mag auch ein Grund dafür sein, dass es rund um die Welt als erste Fremdsprache an erster Stelle steht. Außer vielleicht bei den Franzosen - die lernen lieber Spanisch oder, wenn es gar nicht anders geht, Deutsch.
Spanisch klingt es auch besser als Deutsch:
- redefiniendo estúpido
uno tweet tras otro
bookmark_borderRemarks on "Friendship"
How does one define "friendship"? Is it like: "Two birds of a feather stick togehter"? I guess so. We choose friends to be similar to what we are, not alike, just similar.
How do we know, someone is a true friend? We don´t - ever! What we see is how a person acts, and we might be convinced that this guy or gal is our friend - but we can never be sure .... unless friendship is proven, unless we have gone through hard times and did prevail because a friend jumped in to support us.
Let me tell you a true story - about a true friend:
When I went to the United States in 1963 I was all by myself, no family, no friends. When I left the USA after my exchange year I had won one true friend - for life!
One day, when I walked to school, a guy stopped at the curb and asked me if I needed a ride home. I accepted and jumped in. Wow, a 63´ convertible, one of those you see in James-Dean-movies (which is great now, but at that time it was just what the cars were like, no big deal). I got my ride home, and next morning the car pulled up into my foster parent´s driveway, Jim - which was his name - picked me up for school. To make the long story short: This went on every day, until my last day in High-School, i.e. Gouverneur Senior High, GHS.
From late August 1963 to June 1964 we got to be the best buddies in the world, went through a lot of good and bad times, got into trouble here and there, but our friendship grew from day to day. We both had a few "affairs", nothing really serious, nothing that kept us from fishing, movies and parties. We even played in the Senior "Drama" together. Jim won the "Deanonian", a speech contest, I had to do a lot of speeches for clubs like the LIONS, ROTARY, 4H, "Future Homemakers of America" etc., we sat in front of the TV together in late ´63, when President Kenndy was asassinated, when the news about American soldiers getting killed in Vietnam started to appear on TV.
We knew, it would be hard to part, to let go and both live on different continents after June ´64! We made plans how to keep contact, who was going to visit whom at which time - but fate would have it - it was all futile!
I had two more years to go to School in Germany, Jim joined the Navy, we had lots of changes of address - and finally my mail kept coming back "return to sender, recipient unknown"! We had lost touch, ouch!
OK, let me tell you, how we got in touch again: It was due to the INTERNET! I learned that one was able to search for people at US-telephone sites. I did. I found my good old buddy, who was - again - living in the State of New York, after he had been in West Virginia and Washington (State!). So much luck. We made plans to see each other, talked on the phone for hours, on the internet, too.
How do I know he is still my best friend? He would go out of his way to support me, just like he did the first few months when I decided to live in the USA for some time - maybe forever.
After we had not seen each other for more than 30 years, I was living in his house, drove one of his cars, got help in whatever situation I needed it, got advice how to do things and active help to set up an account at a local bank, to get a place to live in, to get a phone, to get a driver´s license - I could go on like this, it would be the longest list ever.
How many of you would do a thing like this? How many of you would open your house to a friend after 30 years "no see"? Think about it, and you will understand what "true" friendship is. Thanks again, Jim, God bless you!
That´s it for today, sorry, no "remarks" tomorrow .... see you!
bookmark_border"Bemerkungen zu Hindernissen / Remarks on Obstacles."
"We shall overcome .... some day", that´s what made people tick in the sixties - but did it really happen, did they reach the goals they had, did they succeed in overcoming the obstacles society, the gouvernment, the establishment had in store for them?
The flower-power-days are over, history. Nothing achieved, war wherever you look, the world is a mess, imperialism stronger than ever: "The Preventive Strike" substitutes decent politics and reason.
Do we have an obligation to try and change things, to push harder to get the obstacles out of our way?
Let me compare the energy we have in early stages of our lives to a battery - no, not the rechargeable type, one of those old-fashioned ones you buy, use and then throw away. Whenever we engage in bringing about changes we use up some of our energy. This drains our battery, we have a little less left to use. Now this goes on for years, and, depending on how much and how often we try to do things, the battery looses power. Sooner or later we realize how much has gone already - and that we need to be careful to keep whatever is left or at least use it more economically in the time to come - because we do not want the battery to be totally out of power before time.
But what about the obstacles in this world? Did they get less on the way? Maybe to a certain degree, but not much at all. Do I feel bad about not "stopping it all"? No, there´s a generation after mine, waiting to use up their batteries!
Get at it, start doing it, but ask yourself - whatever you want to do - is it worth the energy?
The next topic will be Bemerkungen über Zimmerpflanzen. Sorry, tomorrow´s "remarks" in German only .... bye!