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.... of the United Sta­tes and a major inve­stor in most Euro­pean count­ries. Money buys impu­ni­ty, money makes peo­p­le look to the other side - who cares about a hundred poor souls far, far away ..?

Amne­sty, which along­side the AFP news agen­cy keeps a record of the num­ber of peo­p­le the Sau­di govern­ment kills, said the exe­cu­ti­on rate sud­den­ly sur­ged in August last year and con­tin­ued to rise under the new King Sal­man from January.


Sur­pri­sin­gly, though, if ISIS does the same one can hear the out­cry around the glo­be - with a strong echo from the 'free press' in the U.S.A.

[Über­ra­schend, denn wenn ISIS das glei­che macht kann man die Empö­rung in der gan­zen Welt hören - mit einem star­ken Echo der "frei­en Pres­se" in den USA]