Wörtliches Zitat aus dieser Quelle:
"5 Worries Parents Should Drop, And 5 They Shouldn't"
" .. It turns out most parents are worrying about all the wrong things. These worries that we have are so rare," says Christie Barnes, mother of four and author of ""The Paranoid Parents Guide"". It’s like packing a snow shovel in case it snows in Las Vegas. Based on surveys Barnes collected, the top five worries of parents are, in order:
- Kidnapping
- School snipers
- Terrorists
- Dangerous strangers
- Drugs
But how do children really get hurt or killed?
- Car accidents
- Homicide - usually committed by a person who knows the child, not a stranger
- Abuse
- Suicide
- Drowning
Why such a big discrepancy between worries and reality? Barnes says parents fixate on rare events because they internalize horrific stories they hear on the news or from a friend without stopping to think about the odds the same thing could happen to their children.
"I’d love it if every news story came with a little warning at the bottom that said, 'Even though this is very tragic, this is 1 in 10 million, 1 in a million or 1 in 20', " says Barnes.
This unnecessary worrying, she argues, is detrimental to parents. The stress worry-wracked parents endure can harm their health and their relationships with other adults. Also, focusing on rare dangers distracts parents from the dangers that matter.
As for children, Barnes says that overprotectiveness will hurt them in the long run by making them less resilient. "We’re teaching them to be helpless," she says. "And because we’re so afraid of the world, we’re teaching them to be afraid of the world .. "
Meine Vermutung ist, daß man das auch auf unsere Verhältnisse 1:1 übertragen kann. Nimmt man dann noch die - von der einschlägigen Presse, den Herstellern und den "Ratgeber"-Schreibern gern genutzten Themen "Hygiene", "Krankheit" und "Schulversagen" dazu, so wird ungefähr deutlich warum sich viele junge Eltern total überfordert fühlen müssen ....