zur Diskussion um die WIKILEAKS-Veröffentlichung
" .. You mental midgets:
Governments aren't people and if the majority of American mouth breathers had a better understanding of this fact we wouldn't be in these wars in the first place. All these slack jawed commenters who try throwing up their BS° pseudo-patriot ideas like ' ..the government needs secrets and the government is doing this to protect innocent people ..'
You don't even live in anything closely resembling reality and you are the problem with the world today. You are the same dullards that believe that America is the land of the free when we have the highest incarceration rate in the world and that the US is the good guys when we have killed more innocent men, women and children than all "terrorist" groups combined. .. "
° = bullshit, in den U.S.A. wäre der ausgeschriebene Begriff ein Anlaß zum Löschen des Kommentares.
Hervorhebungen und Gliederungen z.T. der besseren Lesbarkeit wegen geändert ....