Anstatt Weihnachtsgeschenken ....

hier eine klei­ne Samm­lung von sel­te­ne­ren Murphy's Laws

  • An acci­dent is when poor pre­pa­ra­ti­on meets up with insuf­fi­ci­ent time for correction.
  • Never attri­bu­te to mali­ce what can be ade­qua­te­ly explai­ned by stupidity.
  • One can­not mana­ge too many affairs: like pump­kins in the water, one pops up while you try to hold down the other.
  • Life is what hap­pens while you are making other plans.
  • When in love men and women will act ratio­nal­ly when all other pos­si­bi­li­ties have been exhausted.

    • I. When you are ear­ly ever­yo­ne else will be late. 
    • II. If you are late, ever­yo­ne else will have arri­ved just one minu­te ear­lier than you and bla­me you for ALL the lost time.

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