A new tax model for Germany ....

has secret­ly been pre­pared and was not yet issued by the Ger­man Gou­vern­ment. It is expec­ted to yield addi­tio­nal funds to pay for the bud­get defi­cit which has risen tre­men­dous­ly sin­ce the "TOLL COLLECT" agen­cy was not able to get their act tog­e­ther. The expec­ted funds were sup­po­sed to pay for new road cons­truc­tion. The new tax will start imme­dia­te­ly after the legis­la­ti­ve pro­ce­du­re has been fina­li­zed. The date men­tio­ned was a year from today in 2005.

x = month­ly inco­me in €; y = tax percentage.

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