Wirklichkeitsverzerrungen: Was andere über uns zu denken lernen ....

Frü­he­re Dem­ago­gen­tex­te sind nichts dage­gen, was hier von dem Repor­ter, nein, CBN News Seni­or Repor­ter, Dale Hurd, zusam­men­schmiert wird .... pfui butzi!

Ger­ma­ny Crus­hes Home­schoo­ling; Crea­tes Refu­gees. Janu­ary 18, 2008
" .. Com­pul­so­ry class­room edu­ca­ti­on is a Ger­man tra­di­ti­on — Hit­ler was a big fan of it-- and many Ger­mans still tru­ly belie­ve that home­schoo­ling is a ter­ri­ble thing to do to a child. .. "

Pro-Ame­ri­can Ger­man Woman Threa­ten­ed Janu­ary 17, 2008
" .. Karin Qua­de, a ter­ri­fic Ger­man who is a stal­wart sup­port­er of the United Sta­tes and the U.S. mili­ta­ry per­son­nel ser­ving in Ger­ma­ny, has been threa­ten­ed with death in an online video. .. Karin wri­tes about it in her blog anti-anti-americanism.com. She appeared in my pie­ce on anti-Ame­ri­ca­nism in the Euro­pean media. Karin belie­ves she has been tar­ge­ted for her invol­vement in a pro-Bus­h/­pro-Ame­ri­can demon­stra­ti­on in Germany. .. "


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