Wie uns die Amerikaner durch Boykott [europäischer Güter] "retten" wollen ...!

Lesen Sie selbst:
" .. But is the­re anything the avera­ge Ame­ri­can citi­zen can do all by hims­elf to help save Euro­pe from her mad­cap rush into oblivion?
YOU can stop doing busi­ness with Euro­pe. When you buy Euro­pean pro­ducts you are doing not­hing less than fun­ding the dis­so­lu­ti­on of the Euro­pe that Ame­ri­ca once admi­red but no lon­ger reco­gnizes. Bes­i­des, buy­ing Euro­pean just props up their socia­list systems. And accor­ding to Mark Steyn, “the vast majo­ri­ty of Isla­mic ter­ro­rists in Euro­pe are on welfare”.
In his 1964 book Sui­ci­de of the West, James Burn­ham wro­te that ‘what Ame­ri­cans call “libe­ra­lism” is the ideo­lo­gy of Western sui­ci­de’ [p. 26]. If Burn­ham is cor­rect, could con­ser­va­tism be the ideo­lo­gy of “Western sur­vi­val”, and the cure for what ails Europe?
This boy­cott is meant only for Old Euro­pe. New Euro­pe we need to nur­tu­re. So plea­se con­ti­n­ue to do busi­ness with the for­mer Soviet bloc. The boy­cott also sti­pu­la­tes a ban on tra­vel in Old Euro­pe. But you can still vaca­ti­on in New Euro­pe. Con­sider a visit to the Czech Repu­blic, Hun­ga­ry, or the Bal­tic states. .. " 

[Zur Quel­le des Zitats und dem Volltext]

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