Change ....

we can can't belie­ve in ....

[Zitat aus der NY-Times]

" .. Under Mr. Oba­ma, we are now spen­ding more money on the mili­ta­ry, after adju­sting for infla­ti­on, than in the peak of the cold war, Viet­nam War or Kore­an War. Our batt­le fleet is lar­ger than the next 13 navies com­bi­ned, accor­ding to Defen­se Secre­ta­ry Robert Gates.

The intel­li­gence appa­ra­tus is so bloa­ted that, accor­ding to The Washing­ton Post, the num­ber of peo­p­le with “top secret” cle­ar­ance is 1.5 times the popu­la­ti­on of the District of Columbia .. "