Ein neuer Ansatz ....

die durch Wind­rä­der pro­du­zier­te Ener­gie zu speichern

" .. NIMROD Ener­gy Ltd is being laun­ched by Pro­fes­sor Sea­mus Gar­vey, based on the Inte­gra­ted Com­pres­sed Air Rene­wa­ble Ener­gy Systems (ICARES) rese­arch which he has been deve­lo­ping sin­ce ear­ly in 2006.

The tech­no­lo­gy is cen­te­red on a simp­le pre­mi­se -- using giant wind tur­bi­nes to com­press and pump air into huge under­sea Ener­gy Bags™ ancho­red to the seabed -- or geo­lo­gi­cal for­ma­ti­ons whe­re deep water is not available. The high pres­su­re air would be expan­ded in spe­cial tur­bo-gene­ra­tor sets to pro­vi­de elec­tri­ci­ty as requi­red -- not just when the wind is blo­wing. It would see vast floa­ting off­shore 'ener­gy farms' crea­ted off the coast­li­ne around the UK .. "

[Quel­le; Uni­ver­si­ty of Not­ting­ham (2010, March 28). Cheap and green: Spin-off to revo­lu­tio­ni­ze sus­tainable ener­gy. Sci­en­ce­Dai­ly. Retrieved]

Wei­ter wird da berich­tet, daß das Pro­jekt bereits so weit fort­ge­schrit­ten ist, daß man damit rech­net schon 2020 etwa 25% der benö­tig­ten Ener­gie auf die­sem Wege bereitzustellen ....