Job-Hoax ....

Eine neue Vari­an­te des 'phis­hing'
- dies­mal als Köder: Ein "lukra­ti­ves" Jobangebot ....


Dear Job Candidate,
The TEXACO Online Employment System wish to inform you that your posted infor­ma­ti­on online has been careful­ly and con­fi­den­ti­al­ly review­ed by our Recruit­ment Team Pro­fes­sio­nals and we have con­side­red under our cur­rent vacant oppor­tu­ni­ties within the Firm to employ you for work in our company.

TEXACO is the fifth-lar­gest inte­gra­ted ener­gy com­pa­ny in the world con­si­sting of over 40 dif­fe­rent natio­na­li­ties. The com­pa­ny is enga­ged in every aspect of the oil and natu­ral gas indu­stry, inclu­ding explo­ra­ti­on and pro­duc­tion; refi­ning, mar­ke­ting and trans­por­ta­ti­on; che­micals manu­fac­tu­ring and sales; and power generation.

With a glo­bal refi­ning capa­ci­ty of more than 2 mil­li­on bar­rels of oil per day at year-end 2004, TEXACO also mar­kets petro­le­um pro­ducts under three world-class inter­na­tio­nal brands - Che­vron®, Texa­co® and Cal­tex® - and a num­ber of pro­duct-spe­ci­fic brands, such as Havo­li­ne® and Delo® oils. The com­pa­ny has a mar­ke­ting net­work in near­ly 90 count­ries, with appro­xi­m­ate­ly 25,700 retail sites in Asia, Afri­ca, Euro­pe, Latin Ame­ri­ca, the Midd­le East and North America. .

TEXACO Online Employment System is affi­lia­ted to various job recruit­ment web­sites and your infor­ma­ti­on was sub­mit­ted to us by our online agent that sub­mit job can­di­da­te resu­mes for con­side­ra­ti­on of employment depen­ding on the vacan­ci­es we have in any branch of TEXACO Com­pa­ny World­wi­de. As regards to this, you have been auto­ma­ti­cal­ly gran­ted this employment to work in TEXACO Oil & Gas Field with a month­ly sala­ry of Eight Thou­sand Five Hundred Pounds (Ј8,500).

Kind­ly ack­now­ledge the con­tent of this mes­sa­ge by recon­fir­ming your inte­rest in working for us and indi­ca­ting your area of job inte­rest, ensu­ring that you have quo­ted your vacan­cy tit­le below or send your CV with a cover letter .. "