Abgründe der menschlichen Natur ....

tun sich auf, wenn man "die Hin­ter­las­sen­schaft" der Bush-Regie­rung - deren fin­ster­ste Sei­te! - liest. Hier ein Text zur Ein­stim­mung, das Ori­gi­nal und die ver­link­ten "Memos" ist eine unab­dig­ba­re Lek­tü­re um zu erken­nen, wie ver­rot­tet die Admi­ni­stra­ti­on Bush war ....

[Zitat aus der NY Times online, vom 18 April, 2009]
" .. Editorial
The Tor­tu­r­ers’ Manifesto
Published: April 18, 2009

To read the four new­ly released memos on pri­soner inter­ro­ga­ti­on writ­ten by Geor­ge W. Bush’s Justi­ce Depart­ment is to take a jour­ney into depravity.

Their lan­guage is the pre­cise bureau­cra­te­se favor­ed by dun­ge­on masters throug­hout histo­ry. They detail how to fashion a col­lar for slamming a pri­soner against a wall, exact­ly how many days he can be kept wit­hout sleep (11), and what, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, he should be told befo­re being locked in a box with an insect — all to stop just short of having a jury deci­de that the­se acts vio­la­te the laws against tor­tu­re and abu­si­ve tre­at­ment of prisoners.

In one of the more nau­sea­ting pas­sa­ges, Jay Bybee, then an assi­stant att­or­ney gene­ral and now a fede­ral judge, wro­te admi­rin­gly about a con­trap­ti­on for water­boar­ding that would lurch a pri­soner upright if he stop­ped breathing while water was pou­red over his face. He prai­sed the Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agen­cy for having doc­tors rea­dy to per­form an emer­gen­cy tra­cheo­to­my if necessary.

The­se memos are not an honest attempt to set the legal limits on inter­ro­ga­ti­ons, which was the aut­hors’ sta­tu­to­ry obli­ga­ti­on. They were writ­ten to pro­vi­de legal immu­ni­ty for acts that are cle­ar­ly ille­gal, immo­ral and a vio­la­ti­on of this country’s most basic values.

It sounds like the plot of a mob film, except the lawy­ers asking how much their cli­ents can get away with are from the C.I.A. and the lawy­ers coa­ching them on how to com­mit the abu­ses are from the Justi­ce Depart­ment. And it all play­ed out with the bles­sing of the defen­se secre­ta­ry, the att­or­ney gene­ral, the intel­li­gence direc­tor and, most likely, Pre­si­dent Bush and Vice Pre­si­dent Dick Cheney.

The Ame­ri­cans Civil Liber­ties Uni­on deser­ves cre­dit for suing for the memos’ release. And Pre­si­dent Oba­ma deser­ves cre­dit for over­ru­ling his own C.I.A. direc­tor and orde­ring that the memos be made public. It is hard to think of ano­ther case in which docu­ments stam­ped “Top Secret” were released with hard­ly any deletions .. "

Sol­che Rechts­brü­che kön­nen nur ver­hin­dert wer­den wenn ALLE Akti­vi­tä­ten einer Regie­rung offen­ge­legt wer­den müs­sen - Ver­tu­schung und Geheim­nis­krä­me­rei, der Aus­schluß der Öffent­lich­keit, füh­ren dazu, daß sich die Rechts­bre­cher sicher fühlen ....

Vor die­sem Hin­ter­grund ist es umso bedeut­sa­mer gegen jede Art von Zen­sur zu protestieren!



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