Einmischung von Staat & Kirche ....

zugleich führt zu uner­quick­li­chen Ergeb­nis­sen, wo doch die Ein­mi­schung einer von bei­den Insti­tu­tio­nen in Pri­vat­an­ge­le­gen­hei­ten schon schlimm genug und meist völ­lig sinn­los ist .... 

" .. right wing Sil­vio Ber­lus­co­ni, Bush-like Prime Mini­ster of Ita­ly, has rus­hed to impo­se an emer­gen­cy decree blocking the sus­pen­si­on of life sup­port, a decis­i­on made after con­sul­ting with the Vati­can .. (Ber­lus­co­ni) .. has fur­ther justi­fi­ed (the blocking) by say­ing that phy­si­cal­ly she is "in the con­di­ti­on to have babies" ..

It's nice to know that the Catho­lic Church's cri­te­ria for the value of a woman's life focus on the func­tion­a­li­ty of her ova­ries rather than the exi­stence of her mind .. "

[Zitat / Pha­ryn­gu­la]

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