Intelligente Maßnahmen gegen "Intelligent Design"

Reli­giö­ser Eifer hat erste - für Loui­sia­na nega­ti­ve - Folgen:
Die Gesell­schaft für inte­gra­ti­ve und ver­glei­chen­de Bio­lo­gie (Socie­ty for Inte­gra­ti­ve and Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Bio­lo­gy SICB) tagt nicht in Loui­sia­na, weil der Gou­ver­neur trotz dring­li­cher Bit­ten ein Gesetz hat 'durch­ge­hen' las­sen, das die Evo­lu­ti­on in Fra­ge stellt.
[via Pha­ryn­gu­la]

.. Poin­ting out that SICB had joi­n­ed with the Ame­ri­can Insti­tu­te of Bio­lo­gi­cal Sci­en­ces (AIBS) in urging Jind­al to veto the legis­la­ti­on last year, Sat­ter­lie goes on to say that "The SICB lea­der­ship could not sup­port New Orleans as our mee­ting venue becau­se of the offi­ci­al posi­ti­on of the sta­te in wea­k­e­ning sci­ence edu­ca­ti­on and spe­ci­fi­cal­ly attack­ing evo­lu­ti­on in sci­ence cur­ri­cu­la." Salt Lake City was cho­sen as the site of the 2011 mee­ting in light of the fact that "Utah, in con­trast, pas­sed a reso­lu­ti­on that sta­tes that evo­lu­ti­on is cen­tral to any sci­ence curriculum .. 

.. After the Loui­sia­na legis­la­tu­re pas­sed the LA Sci­ence Edu­ca­ti­on Act, a total of nine natio­nal sci­en­ti­fic socie­ties publicly cal­led on Jind­al to veto it. He igno­red them, as well as ever­yo­ne else who cont­ac­ted him reque­st­ing that he veto the bill, choo­sing instead to help exe­cu­te the agen­da of the Loui­sia­na Fami­ly Forum (LFF), the Reli­gious Right orga­nizati­on on who­se behalf Loui­sia­na Sen. Ben Nevers intro­du­ced the bill and on who­se behalf Jind­al signed it. Jind­al is a staunch ally of the LFF. The citi­zens of Loui­sia­na, who­se edu­ca­tio­nal well-being the gover­nor claims to be so con­cer­ned about, are now paying the pri­ce--lite­ral­ly--for his loyal­ty to his con­ser­va­ti­ve Chri­sti­an base .. 

Man soll­te ein­mal dar­über nach­den­ken, wel­che Mög­lich­kei­ten es hier­zu­lan­de gibt Ver­ant­wort­li­chen für bestimm­te Ent­wick­lun­gen " .. with our feet and wal­lets .. " zu zei­gen, was wir von ihren Ent­schei­dun­gen halten:
Da könn­te man mit den selbst­ge­rech­ten "Daten-Schnüff­lern" anfangen ....

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