How low can you go ....

I recent­ly saw a dis­traught young lady wee­ping bes­i­de her car.
"Do you need some help?" I asked.
She replied, "I knew I should have repla­ced the bat­tery to this remo­te door unlocker. Now I can't get into my car. Do you think they (poin­ting to a distant con­ve­ni­ence store) would have a bat­tery to fit this?"
"Hmmm, I dun­no. Do you have an alarm, too?" I asked.
"No, just this remo­te thin­gy," she ans­we­red, han­ding it and the car keys to me.
As I took the key and manu­al­ly unlocked the door, I replied, "Why don't you dri­ve over the­re and check about the bat­te­ries. It's a long walk."

Seve­ral years ago, we had an Intern who was none too swift.
One day she was typ­ing and tur­ned to a secre­ta­ry and said, "I'm almost out of typ­ing paper. What do I do?"
"Just use copi­er machi­ne paper," the secre­ta­ry told her.
With that, the intern took her last remai­ning blank pie­ce of paper, put it on the pho­to­co­pi­er and pro­ce­e­ded to make five "blank" copies.

(cre­dits John G.)

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