Gründe für Unwissenheit ...

Grün­de für Unwis­sen­heit vie­ler Schü­ler in Ame­ri­ka im Fach "Geschich­te" mag es geben wie Sand am Meer .... einer jedoch sticht aus der Mas­se heraus:
Es ist die US-zen­trier­te Sicht­wei­se, die sich selbst genügt und alle 'frem­den' Sicht­wei­sen ausblendet ....

" .. the­re is one distinct advan­ta­ge that the­se other count­ries have over the United Sta­tes in this rela­ti­on­ship: They are con­stant­ly expo­sed to the U.S., recei­ving a dai­ly dose of infor­ma­ti­on on the U.S. and Ame­ri­cans, stu­dy­ing Eng­lish at school ..

Ame­ri­cans, in sharp con­trast, seem to know rela­tively litt­le about other count­ries and cul­tures. This iso­la­tio­nist ten­den­cy is nowhe­re more appa­rent than within our own edu­ca­tio­nal system .. 

Few are more awa­re of this iso­la­tio­nism than midd­le school and high school tea­chers, par­ti­cu­lar­ly tho­se who teach histo­ry using stan­dard texts that - not sur­pri­sin­gly - view the signal events of Ame­ri­can histo­ry with a kind of natio­nal solip­sism.

* Das Zitat basiert auf einem Zeitschriftenartikel:
"The Mudd­le Machi­ne: Con­fes­si­ons of a Text­book Edi­tor".


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