Farbenlehre ....

.. Mr. Patrick, the audi­tor in Tam­pa, empha­si­zed how even small good-will ges­tu­res reso­na­ted with him. Still, he har­bors no illu­si­ons. “I’m not try­ing to sug­ar­coat things,” Mr. Patrick said. “Things could still be bet­ter. But they’re bet­ter than they were.” “Now you get the head nod, or a smi­le that you just didn’t get a year or two ago,” he added. “For me, it was like, ‘I’m not even going to ack­now­ledge this black per­son.’ They’d just keep on their mer­ry way. But now, I get ack­now­led­ged. “I’m not say­ing that the play­ing field is even, but having elec­ted a black pre­si­dent has done a lot.” .. "

Soweit ein Zitat aus der NYT - es ändert sich etwas in U.S.A., da wer­den sich man­che bald ein neu­es 'Feind­bild' suchen müssen ....

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