A letter received & my answer to it

A let­ter I recent­ly got:

The main vice of capi­ta­lism is the uneven dis­tri­bu­ti­on of prosperity.
The main vice of socia­lism is the even dis­tri­bu­ti­on of misery. 

Win­s­ton Churchill

Isn’t it inte­re­st­ing that vir­tual­ly ever­ything Trump does is in the inte­rest of Ame­ri­cans and the deve­lo­p­ment of a grea­ter, more suc­cessful, more secu­re Ame­ri­ca? But in con­trast, ever­ything the Dems do is to destroy Trump and regain power and con­trol for their own self-aggran­di­ze­ment and the return to the path to serfdom.

My ans­wer:

I guess that's why the world is laug­hing about Trump
and why most world lea­ders - espe­ci­al­ly tho­se who were
good allies of the USA befo­re he took office - are
trea­ting him like a bad man­ne­red child?

Self-aggran­di­ze­ment is all Trump mana­ges to achieve.
A typi­cal case of mir­ro­ring one's weak­ne­s­ses and
bla­ming others for the decay he & the Repu­bli­cans are
respon­si­ble for.

Sor­ry, but a per­son like Trump, unable to admit
a mista­ke and using his lackeys to back up his sharpie
dra­wings on a map, is laug­ha­ble at best.

Do you rea­li­ze that offi­ci­al tra­vel around the world
has to stop at Trump-owned Hotels to fill his pockets?
That his daugh­ter is sent on diplo­ma­tic mis­si­ons instead
of care­er diplo­mats - mis­si­ons she doesn't have any
edu­ca­ti­on for? His son-in-law wan­ted to sell manufacturing
secrets for ato­mic wea­pons to Sau­di Arabia?
The Trump admi­ni­stra­ti­on is pushing for a war against Iran
with fake evi­dence as Bol­ton used for attack­ing Iraq?

To just sta­te it once more:
We ¹ are a coun­try with social secu­ri­ty & health care for all,
tui­ti­on-free col­leges and a social safe­ty-net sup­port­ing people
for lon­ger than two years if nee­ded .... and we still are
thri­ving among the top of the top ten of count­ries in the world.

Socia­lism is what good Chri­sti­ans - other than those
in the United Sta­tes appar­ent­ly - refer to as
hel­pful­ness, cha­ri­ty and care in times of need.
I think it is a good thing that I pay a litt­le more taxes for
a pur­po­se like this instead for the upkeep of 800 (!)
mili­ta­ry bases around the world with all the pol­lu­ting logistics
this needs.

But what do I know .... I didn't inhe­rit bil­li­ons and didn't go bank­rupt seve­ral times. 

¹ Ger­mans



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