Ein Freund ....

aus USA schickt mit fol­gen­den "Witz" - mit der Bemerkung
" .. Here's one that expres­ses some of my endu­ring feelings. .. "

A dri­ver is stuck in a traf­fic jam on the highway.
Not­hing is moving.
Sud­den­ly a man knocks on the window.
The dri­ver rolls down his win­dow and asks,
"What hap­pen­ed?"

"Ter­ro­rists kid­nap­ped Pre­si­dent Bush and are asking for a $10 bil­li­on ran­som. Other­wi­se they are going to dou­se him with gaso­li­ne and set him on fire.
We are going from car to car taking up a collection."

The dri­ver asks,
"How much is ever­yo­ne giving on average?"

"About a gallon."

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