An die Briefkastentante ....

Dear Abby:

My hus­band has delu­si­ons of gran­deur and a long record of money pro­blems. He thinks he’s a finan­cial whiz kid, but he’s run a bunch of busi­nesses into the ground, and he runs up huge cre­dit card bills at the end of every month. If I com­plain, he tells me to relax and belie­ve it’s all under con­trol, that all we have to do is pay the mini­mum and let our kids worry about the rest. But it’s alre­a­dy so bad that we can hard­ly keep up with the inte­rest payments.

Also, he has been so arro­gant and abu­si­ve toward our neigh­bors that most of them no lon­ger speak to us. The few that do are an odd bunch, to whom he has been giving a lot of expen­si­ve gifts, run­ning up our bills even more.

Fur­ther­mo­re, he has got­ten reli­gi­on in a big way, alt­hough I don’t quite under­stand it. One week he hangs out with Catho­lics and the next week with peo­p­le who say the Pope is the Anti­christ, and he says God talks to him direct­ly. And now he has taken to para­ding around in mili­ta­ry uni­forms and cow­boy boots. I hate to think what it all means. Final­ly, the last straw: He’s deman­ding that befo­re anyo­ne can be in the same room with him, they must sign a loyal­ty oath. It’s just so hor­ri­bly creepy!

Can you help?

Lost in DC

Dear Lost:

Stop whi­ning, Lau­ra. You could divorce the s.o.b. any time you want. The rest of us are stuck with him for the next three years.

[via John G.]]

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