bookmark_borderVorzeitiges Altern oder fortschreitende Demenz ....

mögen wohl der Grund dafür sein, daß *ein eme­ri­tier­ter U.S.-Professor fol­gen­de The­se ver­tritt:

He now advo­ca­tes the theo­ry that modern man is not the result of a natu­ral pro­cess of evo­lu­ti­on, but that evo­lu­ti­on was arti­fi­ci­al­ly aided by rep­ti­li­an extra­ter­re­stri­als. The rep­ti­li­ans bred man­kind as ser­vants and con­ti­n­ue to rule the pla­net today, Horn said.

Rep­ti­li­ans have mani­pu­la­ted per­cep­ti­ons of world histo­ry and hold power over human­kind through their influence over an éli­te and powerful group of humans, known as the Illu­mi­na­ti, Arthur said. Throug­hout human histo­ry, the rep­ti­li­an beings have been recor­ded as dra­gons or gods.

Da den­ke ich doch gleich an das Buch und die gleich­na­mi­gen TV-Seri­en "V – Die außer­ir­di­schen Besu­cher kom­men" - das ist unge­fähr das, was der Pro­fes­sor nun als "Geschich­te der Ent­wick­lung der Men­schen" anbietet ....

* Bild­quel­le

*edit (08112013)*
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