bookmark_borderWhat Denmark gets right while we don't ....

Den­mark gets some­thing right that's ter­ri­bly wrong in Ger­ma­ny - that's why poten­ti­al bene­fi­ci­a­ries choo­se Ger­ma­ny befo­re any of the other EU nations.

- Immi­grants who are not Danish citi­zens are banis­hed from Den­mark if they com­mit vio­lent cri­mes.

- The sta­te does not sup­port fami­lies eco­no­mic­al­ly for having more than the country’s avera­ge amount of child­ren. This pre­vents for­eig­ners from coming to Den­mark who have .. a lot of child­ren and live off the state’s child sup­port system. 

- The coun­try also denies resi­dent per­mits to for­eig­ners who are mar­ry­ing their cou­sin¹ in Den­mark .. "

- To coun­ter "ghet­toizati­on" mea­su­res are taken to (if nee­ded: forceful­ly) inte­gra­te for­eig­ners →

On the con­tra­ry to the needs of immi­grants the EU citi­zens moving into other EU count­ries (rese­arch is spe­ci­fic for Den­mark) con­tri­bu­te to the wel­fa­re costs grea­ter than par­ti­ci­pa­ting from it.

¹ OH, and by the way:
If you want to know how an *offi­ci­al­ly endor­sed site* views & explains mar­ria­ge among rela­ti­ves (i.e. first cou­sins) you need to read this artic­le