black box recordings ....

The Natio­nal Trans­por­ta­ti­on Safe­ty Board recent­ly divul­ged they had covert­ly fun­ded a pro­ject with the U.S. auto makers for the past 5 years, wher­eby the auto makers were instal­ling black box voice recor­ders in four-wheel dri­ve pick­up trucks in an effort to deter­mi­ne in acci­dents the cir­cum­stances in the last 15 seconds befo­re the crash.

They were sur­pri­sed to find that in 40 of the 50 sta­tes the boxes recor­ded as last words of dri­vers in 61.2 per­cent of cra­s­hes: "Oh Shit!"

Only the sta­tes of Okla­ho­ma, Ten­nes­see, Mis­sou­ri, Arkan­sas, Ala­ba­ma, Loui­si­an­na, Geor­gia and Texas were dif­fe­rent. The­re 89.3 per­cent of the
words befo­re impact were:
"Hold my beer; I'm gon­na try somethin'."

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