Vanity asks the question - is it popular .... ?

" .. Many peo­p­le fear not­hing more ter­ri­bly than to take a posi­ti­on which stands out shar­ply and cle­ar­ly from the pre­vai­ling opi­ni­on. The ten­den­cy of most is to adopt a view that is so ambi­guous that it will include ever­ything and so popu­lar that it will include ever­y­bo­dy. I'm not a con­sen­sus lea­der. I do not deter­mi­ne what is right and wrong by loo­king at the bud­get of the *** .... Ulti­m­ate­ly a genui­ne lea­der is not a sear­cher for con­sen­sus, but a mol­der of consensus.
On some posi­ti­ons, cowar­di­ce asks the que­sti­on, is it expedient?
And then expe­di­ence comes along and asks the que­sti­on - is it politic?
Vani­ty asks the que­sti­on - is it popular?
Con­sci­ence asks the que­sti­on - is it right? .. "

Dr. Mar­tin Luther King, "Remai­ning Awa­ke Through a Gre­at Revo­lu­ti­on," March 31, 1968

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