Every once in a while comments seem to disappear .... Manchmal verschwinden Kommentare ....

Just like this one (fur­ther down) - that I sub­mit­ted at "open . . . " - I'm still won­de­ring why it got 'lost' ....

So wie die­ser hier, den ich bei "open . . . " geschrie­ben habe - es wird wohl dem Blo­g­in­ha­ber nicht gefal­len haben, daß der Inhalt sei­nes Bei­tra­ges auch völ­lig ver­schie­den von sei­ner Auf­fas­sung gese­hen wer­den kann ....

I wro­te / Ich schrieb:

There's not­hing to add to the EU's con­clu­si­on about MICROSOFT - their poli­ci­es are dis­astrous on the long run and it is just start­ing to show - just as bad as Guan­ta­na­mo was for the repu­ta­ti­on of the U.S.A. ....

I've been working with com­pu­ters sin­ce 1988 and have always won­de­red about MICROSOFT hasti­ly sel­ling a raw pro­duct and have their cus­to­mers find out whe­re the pro­gramm­ers didn't do their job .... just one example:
To (re-)load an ope­ra­ting system like Vista with all the appen­da­ges takes more than 24h - to install LINUX (same func­tions) takes less than half an hour!

I'd like to add my two cents about your harsh words on the sup­po­sed (mis-)spelling of "favou­ring" vs. "favoring":

fa·vour, chief­ly British,
or US fa·vor


Some­ti­mes it is quite dif­fi­cult for tho­se poor trans­la­tors working for the EU to deter­mi­ne which "Eng­lish" to use:
Bri­tish, becau­se Bri­tain is a mem­ber of the EU or Ame­ri­can, to plea­se any of the rea­ders from the­re .... but then, thin­king of it, I won­der how many 'ava­ra­ge' Ame­ri­cans or Bri­tons would be able to tell the dif­fe­rence or are sure which one might be the 'cor­rect' spel­ling .... oh, and by the way:
I'm Ger­man - we always know ever­ything - bet­ter than the rest of the world!



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