Rächen Sie sich ....

auf sub­ti­le Wei­se für die klei­nen und gro­ßen Ärger­nis­se - anstatt nur zu schimp­fen kön­nen Sie sich mit ein­fa­chen Mit­teln wehren ....

For exam­p­le

  • Someone out the­re over­pays his par­king tickets by 3 cents to force his local par­king aut­ho­ri­ty to cut him refund checks.
  • Someone out the­re sends back unwan­ted "busi­ness rep­ly" enve­lo­pes weigh­ted down with sheet metal, so the mailers will have to pay the postage.
  • Someone out the­re was fed up with a col­le­ague who kept hel­ping hims­elf to her lunch coo­kies, so she repla­ced them with dog bis­cuits that loo­ked like biscotti.
  • And of cour­se the indi­vi­du­al who so hates when shop­pers care­less­ly block traf­fic by aban­do­ning their shop­ping carts as they wan­der else­whe­re down the ais­les, that he dis­creet­ly drops con­doms and razor refills as a litt­le "cour­te­sy tax" on them. 

[Quel­le; Autor: Ian Urbina]

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