.... prosecute, arrest, interrogate, detain and hold anyone ....

"My rea­ding of histo­ry con­vin­ces me
that most bad government
results from too much government."

[Tho­mas Jefferson]


Pre­si­dent Oba­ma Signs Inde­fi­ni­te Detenti­on Into Law:
Sad­ly the Ame­ri­can Con­sti­tu­ti­on and Civil Rights in Ame­ri­ca died on Decem­ber 31., 2011, when Pre­si­dent Oba­ma signed into law the "Defen­se Aut­ho­rizati­on Bill [NDAA]" - allo­wing the mili­ta­ry to pro­se­cu­te, arrest, inter­ro­ga­te, detain and hold anyo­ne on char­ges of suspec­ted ter­ro­rism wit­hout legal rights gran­ted by the Const­tu­ti­on. It has no tem­po­ral or geo­gra­phic limi­ta­ti­ons, and can be used by this and future pre­si­dents to mili­ta­ri­ly detain peo­p­le cap­tu­red far from any battlefield.

"Con­gress and the pre­si­dent also have a role to play in clea­ning up the mess they have crea­ted becau­se no Ame­ri­can citi­zen or anyo­ne else should live in fear of this or any future pre­si­dent misu­s­ing the NDAA’s detenti­on aut­ho­ri­ty." [ACLU]