... while passionately masturbating ...

Wie­der ein­mal auf dem Patt der Herr Erpresser

Hel­lo there!

Unfort­u­n­a­te­ly, the­re are some bad news for you.
Around seve­ral months ago I have obtai­ned access to your devices that you were using to brow­se internet.
Sub­se­quent­ly, I have pro­ce­e­ded with track­ing down inter­net acti­vi­ties of yours.

Below, is the sequence of past events:
In the past, I have bought access from hackers to num­e­rous email accounts (today, that is a very straight­for­ward task that can be done online).
Cle­ar­ly, I have effort­less­ly log­ged in to email account of yours (wvs_@_re-actio.com).

A week after that, I have mana­ged to install Tro­jan virus to Ope­ra­ting Systems of all your devices that are used for email access.
Actual­ly, that was quite simp­le (becau­se you were clicking the links in inbox emails).
All smart things are quite straight­for­ward. (>_)

The soft­ware of mine allo­ws me to access to all con­trol­lers in your devices, such as video came­ra, micro­pho­ne and keyboard.
I have mana­ged to down­load all your per­so­nal data, as well as web brow­sing histo­ry and pho­tos to my servers.
I can access all mes­sen­gers of yours, as well as emails, social net­works, cont­acts list and even chat history.
My virus unce­a­sing­ly refres­hes its signa­tures (sin­ce it is dri­ver-based), and her­eby stays invi­si­ble for your antivirus.

So, by now you should alre­a­dy under­stand the rea­son why I remain­ed unno­ti­ced until this very moment...

While coll­ec­ting your infor­ma­ti­on, I have found out that you are also a huge fan of web­sites for adults.
You tru­ly enjoy checking out porn web­sites and watching dir­ty vide­os, while having a lot of kin­ky fun.
I have recor­ded seve­ral kin­ky sce­nes of yours and mon­ta­ged some vide­os, whe­re you reach orgasms while pas­sio­na­te­ly masturbating.

If you still doubt my serious inten­ti­ons, it only takes cou­ple mou­se clicks to share your vide­os with your fri­ends, rela­ti­ves and even colleagues.
It is also not a pro­blem for me to allow tho­se vids for access of public as well.
I tru­ly belie­ve, you would not want this to occur, under­stan­ding how spe­cial are the vide­os you love watching, (you are cle­ar­ly awa­re of that) all that stuff can result in a real dis­aster for you.

Let's resol­ve it like this:
All you need is $1750 USD trans­fer to my account (bit­co­in equi­va­lent based on exch­an­ge rate during your trans­fer), and after the tran­sac­tion is suc­cessful, I will pro­ce­ed to dele­te all that kin­ky stuff wit­hout delay.
After­wards, we can pre­tend that we have never met befo­re. In addi­ti­on, I assu­re you that all the harmful soft­ware will be dele­ted from all your devices. Be sure, I keep my promises.

That is quite a fair deal with a low pri­ce, bea­ring in mind that I have spent a lot of effort to go through your pro­fi­le and traf­fic for a long period.
If you are una­wa­re how to buy and send bit­co­ins - it can be easi­ly fixed by sear­ching all rela­ted infor­ma­ti­on online.

Below is bit­co­in wal­let of mine: 1MBfGEss64UsqkWKA5ygs3Rbb5vnLgbtba

You are given not more than 48 hours after you have ope­ned this email (2 days to be precise).

Below is the list of actions that you should not attempt doing:
> Do not attempt to rep­ly my email (the email in your inbox was crea­ted by me tog­e­ther with return address).
> Do not attempt to call poli­ce or any other secu­ri­ty ser­vices. Moreo­ver, don't even think to share this with fri­ends of yours. Once I find that out (make no doubt about it, I can do that effort­less­ly, bea­ring in mind that I have full con­trol over all your systems) - the video of yours will beco­me available to public immediately.
> Do not attempt to search for me - the­re is com­ple­te­ly no point in that. All cryp­to­cur­ren­cy tran­sac­tions remain anony­mous at all times.
> Do not attempt reinstal­ling the OS on devices of yours or get rid of them. It is meanin­g­less too, becau­se all your vide­os are alre­a­dy available at remo­te servers.

Below is the list of things you don't need to be con­cer­ned about:
> That I will not recei­ve the money you transferred.
- Don't you worry, I can still track it, after the tran­sac­tion is suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted, becau­se I still moni­tor all your acti­vi­ties (tro­jan virus of mine inclu­des a remo­te-con­trol opti­on, just like TeamViewer).
> That I still will make your vide­os available to public after your money trans­fer is complete.
- Belie­ve me, it is meanin­g­less for me to keep on making your life com­pli­ca­ted. If I inde­ed wan­ted to make it hap­pen, it would hap­pen long time ago! 

Ever­ything will be car­ri­ed out based on fairness!

Befo­re I forget...moving for­ward try not to get invol­ved in this kind of situa­tions anymore!
An advice from me - regu­lar­ly chan­ge all the pass­words to your accounts. 


Eine wei­te­re dümm­li­che Einlassung.
Ich wür­de doch zu gern sehen WAS der Erpres­ser da angeb­lich außer einem schwar­zen Bild­schirm auf­zu­wei­sen hat:

Mein Moni­tor hat kei­ne Kamera!


  1. Oh, das ist ein biss­chen her... Aber die Art von Spam sagt mir was.
    Ist vor "eini­ger Zeit" (ein paar Mona­ten?) im Umlauf gewesen.

    Funk­tio­niert natür­lich nur bei Leu­ten, die einer­seits viel auf Por­no­sei­ten unter­wegs sind und gleich "direkt los­le­gen", und zum ande­ren das für das Mit­fil­men erfor­der­li­che Equip­ment fest im Rech­ner inte­griert haben.

    So wie es aber geschrie­ben ist, könn­te man mei­nen, es hät­te irgend­ein Jugend­li­cher aus dem eng­lisch­spra­chi­gen Raum geschrieben.
    "Jugend­li­cher" des­halb, weil die Metho­de so gera­de­aus for­mu­liert ist (das macht sonst kei­ner, der regel­mä­ßig sol­che Betrugs- und Bedro­hungs­ma­schen betreibt).
    Und "aus dem eng­lisch­spra­chi­gen Raum" des­halb, weil die Wort­wahl und for­mu­lie­rungs­wei­se sehr nach einem Mut­ter­sprach­ler klingt.
    Inklu­si­ve fällt es auf, dass durch­weg rich­tig geschrie­ben wird - das macht heut­zu­ta­ge kaum einer mehr...

    Wer weiß - viel­leicht steckt auch irgend­ein Erwach­se­ner dahin­ter, der mit der Masche unvor­sich­ti­ge Leu­te auf ihre man­geln­de Pass­wort­si­cher­heit hin­wei­sen und auf die Gefah­ren der Ver­net­zung von diver­sen Accounts auf­merk­sam machen will.
    Denk­bar ist heut­zu­ta­ge alles...

    1. Da kom­men ja immer mal wie­der der­glei­chen Mails an - es sind Ver­suchs­bal­lons die unbe­darf­te Neu­lin­ge noch zu ver­lang­tem Han­deln zu ver­an­las­sen ver­mö­gen. Wel­cher "alte Hase" mit Jah­ren am Com­pu­ter fällt sonst noch auf die­se dümm­li­che Masche herein?
      Natür­lich hat mein Com­pu­ter eine Kame­ra, so wie fast alle Gerä­te die ich seit Jah­ren betrie­ben habe, aller­dings abge­klebt und nur zum Gebrauch bei unmit­tel­ba­rer Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on offen.
      Seit mir vor ein paar Jah­ren erklärt wur­de wie die­se Lum­pen es schaf­fen unter frem­der E-Mail-Adres­se zu fir­mie­ren fin­de ich die­se Metho­de nur noch lächer­lich. Man soll­te aller­dings immer wenig­stens die Adres­se des gefor­der­ten Gel­des ver­öf­fent­li­chen um sie so zu 'ver­bren­nen' - dann müs­sen sich die­se Leu­te wenig­stens selbst bemü­hen .... hof­fent­lich recht lange.

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