Ab und an ....

bekom­me ich ja aus U.S.A. von einem Freund 'sto­ries' zuge­sandt die er wie­der­um on ande­ren Bekann­ten oder Freun­den zuge­sandt bak­am - und die er für 'ver­sen­dens­wert' hält ....

Hier eine neue Geschichte
(Die­je­ni­gen Ame­ri­ka­ner die Steu­ern zah­len seuf­zen tief beim lesen .... )

Guy wal­ked into the local wel­fa­re office to pick up his check. He
mar­ched straight up to the coun­ter and said,
You know, I just HATE dra­wing welfare.
I'd real­ly rather have a job.'

The social worker behind the coun­ter said,
'Your timing is excellent.
We just got a job ope­ning from a very wealt­hy old man who wants a chauf­feur and body­guard for his beau­tiful daugh­ter. You'll have to dri­ve around in his Mer­ce­des, and he'll sup­p­ly all of your clo­thes. Becau­se of the long hours, meals will be pro­vi­ded. You'll be expec­ted to escort the daugh­ter on her over­se­as holi­day trips. You'll be pro­vi­ded a two-bed­room apart­ment abo­ve the gara­ge. The sala­ry is $200,000 a year.'

The guy, wide-eyed, said,
'You're bull­shit­tin' me!'

The social worker said,
'Yeah, well . . . you star­ted it.'

Veröffentlicht in Leben

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