"Bemerkungen zu Hindernissen / Remarks on Obstacles."

"We shall over­co­me .... some day", that´s what made peo­p­le tick in the six­ties - but did it real­ly hap­pen, did they reach the goals they had, did they suc­ce­ed in over­co­ming the obs­ta­cles socie­ty, the gou­vern­ment, the estab­lish­ment had in store for them?

The flower-power-days are over, histo­ry. Not­hing achie­ved, war whe­re­ver you look, the world is a mess, impe­ria­lism stron­ger than ever: "The Pre­ven­ti­ve Strike" sub­sti­tu­tes decent poli­tics and reason.

Do we have an obli­ga­ti­on to try and chan­ge things, to push har­der to get the obs­ta­cles out of our way?

Let me compa­re the ener­gy we have in ear­ly stages of our lives to a bat­tery - no, not the rech­ar­geable type, one of tho­se old-fashio­ned ones you buy, use and then throw away. When­ever we enga­ge in brin­ging about chan­ges we use up some of our ener­gy. This drains our bat­tery, we have a litt­le less left to use. Now this goes on for years, and, depen­ding on how much and how often we try to do things, the bat­tery loo­ses power. Soo­ner or later we rea­li­ze how much has gone alre­a­dy - and that we need to be careful to keep wha­te­ver is left or at least use it more eco­no­mic­al­ly in the time to come - becau­se we do not want the bat­tery to be total­ly out of power befo­re time.

But what about the obs­ta­cles in this world? Did they get less on the way? May­be to a cer­tain degree, but not much at all. Do I feel bad about not "stop­ping it all"? No, there´s a gene­ra­ti­on after mine, wai­ting to use up their batteries!

Get at it, start doing it, but ask yours­elf - wha­te­ver you want to do - is it worth the energy?

The next topic will be Bemer­kun­gen über Zim­mer­pflan­zen. Sor­ry, tomorrow´s "remarks" in Ger­man only .... bye!


  1. and the ener­gy isn´t get­ting less at all as every cell is hard­ly wan­ting to beco­me two. 
    this is wrong of course ...
    but spring is coming. probably.

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