The "governmental dependency" phase ....

Aus der Geschich­te lernen .... ?

In 1787, Alex­an­der Tyler, a Scot­tish histo­ry pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athe­ni­an Repu­blic some 2,000 years prior:

"A demo­cra­cy is always tem­po­ra­ry in natu­re; it sim­ply can­not exist as a per­ma­nent form of govern­ment. A demo­cra­cy will con­ti­n­ue to exist up until the time that voters dis­co­ver that they can vote them­sel­ves gene­rous gifts from the public tre­a­su­ry. From that moment on, the majo­ri­ty always votes for the can­di­da­tes who pro­mi­se the most bene­fits from the public tre­a­su­ry, with the result that every demo­cra­cy will final­ly col­lap­se due to loo­se fis­cal poli­cy, which is always fol­lo­wed by a dictatorship."
"The avera­ge age of the worlds grea­test civi­lizati­ons from the begin­ning of histo­ry, has been about 200 years. During tho­se 200 years, the­se nati­ons always pro­gres­sed through the fol­lo­wing sequence:

  1. bon­da­ge to spi­ri­tu­al faith; 
  2. spi­ri­tu­al faith to gre­at courage; 
  3. cou­ra­ge to liberty; 
  4. liber­ty to abundance; 
  5. abun­dance to complacency; 
  6. com­pla­cen­cy to apathy; 
  7. apa­thy to dependence; 
  8. depen­dence back into bondage."

The Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny is now some­whe­re bet­ween the "com­pla­cen­cy and apa­thy" pha­se of Pro­fes­sor Tyler's defi­ni­ti­on of demo­cra­cy, with some 40 per­cent of the nation's popu­la­ti­on alre­a­dy having rea­ched the "govern­men­tal depen­den­cy" phase.

"Apa­thy is the grea­test dan­ger to our free­dom." - adap­tiert nach einer Infor­ma­ti­on von John G.

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