Schlimmer als zugegeben ....

BP wie­gelt ab - das ken­nen wir doch aus frü­he­ren Öl-Kata­stro­phen schon sehr gut - und Fach­leu­te sind sich einig:
Die Öl-Ver­schmut­zung im Golf von Mexi­co ist min­de­stens um ein zehn­fa­ches schlim­mer als 'offi­zi­ell' zuge­ge­ben wird. NPR schreibt dazu:

" .. There's at least 10 times as much oil spil­ling into the Gulf of Mexi­co than offi­ci­al esti­ma­tes sug­gest, accor­ding to an exclu­si­ve NPR analysis.
BP has said repea­ted­ly that the­re is no relia­ble way to mea­su­re the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexi­co by loo­king at the oil gus­hing out of the pipe. But sci­en­tists say the­re are actual­ly many pro­ven tech­ni­ques for doing just that.
Ste­ven Wer­e­ley, an asso­cia­te pro­fes­sor at Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty ana­ly­zed
(a) video­tape of the sea-flo­or (and made) a few simp­le cal­cu­la­ti­ons and came up with an asto­nis­hing value for the rate of the oil spill: 70,000 bar­rels a day — much hig­her than the offi­ci­al esti­ma­te of 5,000 bar­rels a day .. the method is accu­ra­te to a degree of plus or minus 20 per­cent. Given that uncertainty,the amount of mate­ri­al spe­wing from the pipe could ran­ge from 56,000 bar­rels to 84,000 bar­rels a day ..
Timo­thy Cro­ne, an asso­cia­te rese­arch sci­en­tist at the Lamont-Doh­erty Earth Obser­va­to­ry, used ano­ther well-accept­ed method to cal­cu­la­te flu­id flows. Cro­ne says the flow is at least 50,000 bar­rels a day .. "
