bookmark_borderThe year I made a false prediction ....

The year I made a fal­se pre­dic­tion ....
-on ¾ counts out of two - was 1964. 


[Quo­te from Gou­ver­neur Tri­bu­ne Press news­pa­per; 02-11-1964]

½ on the first pre­dic­tion on my future:
Yes, I did teach all of my working life, but not as a 'tea­cher' in a public school.

¼ on the second pre­dic­tion of the future of the united Germany:
Yes, we are 'united' poli­ti­cal­ly - but it will take ano­ther gene­ra­ti­on to grow tog­e­ther as a people.

At the time I said what is quo­ted in the news­pa­per from '64 I was 19 - which might make the­se errors excusable.