When I recently read this post → State Unemployment Rates – Two Americas
I was surprised by the conclusion, i.e. actually I wasn't surprised as this site usually tends *far right* .... it's one of those biased looks at facts that state something that doesn't fit the long held believes of the author - so what's easier than bending the truth a little to make it fit.
I rarely engage in discussions with such people - but in this case I wanted to find out if my comment would be approved.
It wasn't.
No surprise, as I contradicted the narrative the author wanted to convey:
Red States are OK, do well during the pandemic - blue States do bad and mess up during the pandemic.
Here's what I wrote as a copy.

To understand my comment you need to go to the post (link in the first line) and read what the conclusion was that's stated there. And then come back and read what I answered .... and let me know if you agree or not.

*update* March 28th
I was wrong in my conclusion.
It just took more time than I thought would be needed to realize there is a comment to the post - now this comment is approved & online .... so please go there for further discussion ....