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Need some help, friends!

A good fri­end of mine has 2 tickets for the 2024 Super Bowl bet­ween the San Fran­cis­co 49ers and the Kan­sas City Chiefs hosted at Allegi­ant Sta­di­um in Las Vegas. Both tickets are for box seats. He paid $8,000 for both tickets, but he didn't rea­li­ze last year when he bought them, it was going to be the same day as his wedding.

If you are inte­re­sted, he is loo­king for someone to take his place.

At St Anthony's Church in Seat­tle @ 3pm.
Her name is Ash­ley, she is 5'6 about 130 lbs, loves to dance and is an excel­lent cook.
She'll be the one in the white dress.

Tomás Del Coro
; CC BY-SA 2.0; Quel­le Titelfoto

Just to make sure: this is a joke!

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