Solidarität mit Dänemark                                                     Meinungsfreiheit ohne Einschränkungen!

[Auf­for­de­rung erfüllt!; Sie­he auch die­se Abhand­lung (Basis: K. Tuchol­ski) und "Kari­ka­tu­ren ...." v. 01-02-2006]

Zu die­sem The­ma bekam ich Post von einem Freund aus USA.
Dort zir­ku­liert fol­gen­der Text (Aus­zug):
Come on, is this real­ly about car­toons? Mus­lims are ram­pa­ging and bur­ning flags. They're loo­king for Euro­peans to kid­nap. They're threa­tening inn­kee­pers and gene­ral­ly rai­sing Mus­lim hell not becau­se of any outra­ge over a car­toon. They're outra­ged becau­se it is part of their Isla­mic jiha­dist cul­tu­re to be outra­ged. They don't real­ly need a rea­son. They just need an excu­se. Wan­de­ring around destroy­ing pro­per­ty, mur­de­ring child­ren, firing guns into the air and feig­ning outra­ge over the sligh­test per­cei­ved insult is to a jiha­dist what tail­ga­ting is to a foot­ball fan – its part of the sport.
We know and under­stand that the­se bloodthirsty mur­de­rers do not repre­sent the majo­ri­ty of the world's Mus­lims. When, though, do the “nice” Mus­lims beco­me outra­ged? When do they take to the streets to express their outra­ge at the radi­cals who are making their reli­gi­on the object of world­wi­de hat­red and ridi­cu­le? When do the nice inmans preach to their masses that vio­lence is not civi­li­zed beha­vi­or, that no Mus­lim should be vio­lent or extre­me becau­se it is in fact against their Isla­mic reli­gi­on to do so, that Moham­med frowns upon tho­se who do, and they should repu­dia­te any Mus­lim who does? Isla­mic wri­ter Sal­man Rush­die wro­te of the­se silent nice Mus­lims in a New York Times artic­le three years ago. He said: "As their anci­ent, deep­ly civi­li­zed cul­tu­re of love, art and phi­lo­so­phi­cal reflec­tion is hijacked by para­noiacs, racists, liars, male supre­macists, tyrants, fana­tics and vio­lence jun­kies, why are they not screaming?"
Inde­ed, why are they not? The nice Mus­lims cer­tain­ly have a bet­ter chan­ce than Wester­ners do to stop the beha­vi­or of the extre­mist Mus­lims. But they are silent.
Um kein Öl ins Feu­er zu gie­ßen habe ich eini­ge Pas­sa­gen herausgenommen ....